Reflections on 2014


2014 was an amazing year for me! I really pushed myself personally and professionally to operate outside my comfort zone and continue to improve and grow. Professionally, I continued to try many new things in my classroom and work with integrating technology into my practice which you can see at my classroom blog. As a result, my classroom was sometimes more chaotic or noisy than normal, but more vibrant and alive. I have a happy group of students who are learning to embrace failure as a natural part of learning. They know the acronym FAIL stands for first attempt in learning off by heart!

Personally, I completed my first Try Triathlon and conquered my extreme fear of heights with the Edgewalk. I also took a chance and applied to present at ISTE 2015 with Beverely Ladd and was accepted! It was anything but living comfortably but I have never felt more alive! So with that being said what is in store for me in 2015? I am working on a Minecraft project in Science, I am hoping to work on continuing to build some connections through Skype and other technological tools to collaborate with other teachers, and I am hoping to participate in some Voxer groups. Also, I am training for a Half Marathon in February, a sprint triathlon this summer and considering a Full Marathon in the Fall.

I have to thank some amazing people on Twitter who have pushed me this year. In particular, Greg Curran, Bruce Van Horn and Doug Robertson are example of people who continue to help me think and push myself outside my comfort zones. There are some many more on Twitter and through other platforms that have made 2014 a great year. Thank you to my wonderful PLN! I hope to continue to grow and learn with you in 2015.

What were your personal and professional triumphs this year? I  would love to hear about them so leave me a note.

2 thoughts on “Reflections on 2014

    1. Thank Doug! A big part of being able to do that is people like you who push me to become a better teacher and think outside the box!

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