Many libraries today are seeing changes and becoming LC (Learning Common areas). These areas are often collaborative, inquiry based, innovative spaces with flexible seating. The librarian in the LC often works closely with teachers collaborating and co-teaching as well as providing opportunities for community partnerships. In the article, School Libraries, librarians, and Project-based learning: ‘flexing’ library spaces for learning, author Carolyn Foote writes: “The librarian has a key role in helping provide resources for students and teachers to have a successful PBL project. Students come to the library with a big idea to creatively solve their problem. The exciting part is helping them find the research and tools to help their big idea become a reality.” Foote goes on to describe how libraries must be in “beta mode” and fluid, available to meet student needs and goals.
Similarly, in the article From Library to Learning Commons, author Lisa Mueller describes changes in her own school library. Mueller explains how she not only changed the physical layout of the library and employed design tactics, but also how she and her colleagues created virtual and digital spaces for students using school websites and social media. The changes that were created were again based on student needs. Mueller also discussed her next steps in trying to expand learning outside of the school and LC and into the global community through technologies such as video conferencing to make meaningful connections with others.
Both of the articles described above connect closely to the Leading Learning and Together for Learning documents. In Together for learning document the virtual and physical worlds are interconnected and students have a chance to explore questions and connect with others both locally and globally. Similarly, in the Leading Learning standards words like collaboration, co-plan, community, designing, creation and empowering life-long learners are used and provie specific examples in the see it in action area. The modern day learning library learning commons is a dynamic learning environment and will continue to evolve with technology and future school needs.